Saturday, November 28, 2009

Really Long Break Due to New Guild - Sorry

Well, thanks to discovering a new guild in early April '09, I have become the casual player who spends more than 40 hours a week in game. Little did I know when I pugged that Naxx raid that my whole WoW experience was going to change. I'm not entirely sure I can still even be called casual. And poor Cayleah has gone by the wayside as my continual hunt for better gear has taken over my alt time.

Here's what happened. I was still new to Sisters of Elune and got it in my head to try something really crazy and put myself in LFG for Naxx 10. I put in my comments that I was new to raiding. Never in million years did I think I would actually get in a group. But lo and behold the crazy people (that's a term of endearment) of Unbroken pugged me. I spent the entire raid following as closely as I could the other hunter, Nearra, who put up with my stalking. I had a blast and a week later joined the guild and the weekly Naxx runs.

It's been nonstop ever since. We've gone from not enough people for a full group of 10 to enough to do 25's as a guild. Last night on our Weekly 25 man ToC we downed the Twins for the first time but couldn't get Anub and Naxx is a distant memory.

I find myself always in a quandary because I am at heart a casual player and have all these casual goals, such as Loremaster but find that I have to spend a large amount of time farming gold and food buff matts to support my new raiding habit.

I don't know where this is all headed, but I finally got Eastern Kingdom Loremaster and make my second attempt at Heroic ToC 10 tomorrow. Wish me well and let me know if any of you are having these dual goal problems.

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